CyberSchool  has a number features in order to record the implementation of learning plan, as well as the school actions in their daily activities. This application has three main module i.e: Teachers module (EDUTEACH), Student Module (EDU LEARNING) and Administration module (EDUADMIN)

EDUTEACH: Teacher learning management

  1. Learning material management
    1. Lesson plans are stored in central database can be easily structured and accessed
    2. Teachers allowed to upload courses from other providers and create their own specific e-learning modules using common tools like Power Point and Word, before assigning a test to make sure people have completed the task and understood it.
    3. Electronic multimedia learning materials can be uploaded and saved to the server. These materials can be linked into target of competence and class time table and then shared to the assigned users/students.
    4. Teachers can discuss learning material with students at any time.
  2. Student Assignment management
    1. Assignment for student can be developed on line and then when its final can be allocated to the specific class/students
    2. Teachers can have feedback of the assignment by having discussion with student and all student work submission can be done via network,
    3. Student Assignments becoming easy to maintained, and transparent.
  3. Exam management
    1. Exam bank data is available to be viewed and to create a new exam paper
    2. student will take on-line examination after got clearance from teachers
    3. exam can be multiple choices, or shor essay..
    4. The final exam mark should be done by the teachers
    5. Examination result can directly go into students record automatically.

EDULEARNING: Student centre of learning online training enables people to study the course from their own home, minimising the amount of time spent traveling. This provides flexibility, noting it allows students to take a class at any time and in any location. Students who use online learning can take in information faster than those who only take part in classroom-based sessions, new research has indicated. Using e-learning alongside, face- to- face learning can help to reduce costs and improve productivity. By using an LMS school can easily keep track of how much competencies a student has completed, perfect for monitoring and audits.


Because everything is stored online it is fast and easy to access student’s records without having to keep piles of paperwork.

  1. On-line Learning and material management
    1. Student can find the electronic learning materials for subjects Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Social, Economy, History and Civics.
    2. All on-line learning materials has been linked to the syllabus and Lesson plan allocated to students according to their grade and standard of competence.
    3. Students can give comment and input about the learning materials and discuss on specific subject/topic, the comments can be used as a feedback for teacher for improvement.
    4. Student can try out or do the quiz to measure its understanding of any topic that linked to the target of competence.
  2. On-Line assignment
    1. Student can view, current assignment , and discuss the assignment given by teacher
    2. Student can submit their work on assignment through the net
    3. Student can view their mark on the assignment work
  3. On-Line Test
    1. Student can do their on-line exam, that has been allocated by their teachers.
    2. Each student must have a password given by teacher to enter the on-line examination.
    3. The on-line examination is time based, and will be closed after certain allocated time is surpassed.
    4. The result of examination will go directly to student academic report. Linked to target of competence of national standard.
  4. On-Line academic achievement 1
    1. Student can view his/her academic achievement at any time.
    2. All the academic achievement that show the mastery of competence of national standard is produced by composition mark from quizzes, assignment, exams and teachers observation.
    3. Student then can strengthen and focus in the area where he/she is weak.
  5. On-Line student portfolio
    1. Student can gather and build their achievement on many activities apart from academic.
    2. Students can upload examples of their work, course completion in videos and images), appraisal tracking systems (allowing progressive appraisals rather than a rushed meeting at the end of the year),
    3. Acknowledgement of student portfolio activities can be given by fellow students, teachers, head master or professional
  6. Grading and Student Evaluation
    1. All result from on-line assignment and on-line test will directly g to student grading, teachers can add the weight of each assignment and examination and also can add other marks from exam/assignment manually.
    2. The grading and evaluation cam be carried out in hierarchical manner, from the acquisition of basic competences, to competence standard and to final mark of each subjects.
    3. Student Assignments becoming easy to maintained, and transparent.